Why Does Older Cat Hiss At New Kitten? | Pawsome Kitty

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Why Does Older Cat Hiss At New Kitten?

It was pouring down really hard, and as you hurry on your way home, you hear a faint purring. You look behind the bushes and you see a tiny kitten. You have always had a soft spot for abandoned kittens, you just couldn’t resist bringing this little furball home. But you already have a cat! What would he/she say (meow) if you come home with another cat? Well, surely he/she would understand, right? After all, you found him/her in the same way.

You got home with the newcomer, only to find your other cat not happy about the new arrival. Why do older cats hiss at new kitten – you find yourself typing these words on the search box and here you are! Well, how about we find out the answer to that!


  • Not Impressed
  • Cats can be territorial
  • Your cat may be feeling a bit insecure
  • How do you introduce a new cat to an old cat?
    • Eliminate the element of surprise
    • If you are planning to get another cat, choose wisely!
      • Round Up 

Not Impressed

Bared teeth, hissing, and growling pulled back lips, bushy tail, and an arched back – these are telltale signs that your cat is not happy with the new companion you brought home with you. Your cat could be feeling threatened by the new addition to the house, especially if it used to be the only cat in the household.

Unfamiliarity could also be the culprit; since your cat is not yet accustomed to the new presence inside the house. Your cat could be thinking that the newbie is some kind of an intruder trying to invade the house and take its place, thus the menacing attitude towards the new cat.

Cats can be territorial

If your cat has been hissing at the new kitten, they are trying to establish their territory. Hissing is a form of communication amongst them that indicates dominance. An older cat would usually do this to let the younger one know that it should not be crossed. Your older cat is assuming a higher position and that the new cat should learn to adjust. Your older cat is probably trying to say that, “This is my territory, stay away.”

Your cat may be feeling a bit insecure

There is also a possibility that your cat is worried that your love and attention will be divided. If your cat is a rescue or came from a shelter or came from a very unloving environment, this could be the case.

These are also the very reasons as to why it is important for you to prepare your cat and have them accustomed to the new presence inside the house. These behaviors aren’t for long, with proper ways of addressing the problem you can have your cats get along in a matter of days. Later in this article, we will discuss certain steps you could take in order to help your cats adjust!

How do you introduce a new cat to an old cat?

Eliminate the element of surprise

If you found an abandoned cat and you want to take it home, it would be a good idea not to let the older cat see it right away. It would be best to keep the new cat somewhere else, where its own food and litter is available.

Your cat may not like the idea of sharing its space and resources with the new cat right away. As much as possible, introduce them slowly. You can do so by using the new cat’s pheromones and letting your older cat get used to it. Use a towel and rub it off the new cat and put the towel in places where your old cat frequents.

If you are planning to get another cat, choose wisely!

You should consider a lot of factors when you wish to have an addition to the family. The fact that you have a choice is key.

Make sure to consider your cat’s personality. A playful cat will work great with another playful cat. Its age will also matter in this case. The reason why older cats hiss at new kittens could be because of their age difference, and the size probably. An adult cat would see another adult cat as a fitting companion because they are of the same age and roughly the same size.

Round Up 

Did that answer your question? Well now, perhaps the most effective way of addressing this issue is to learn how to raise a friendly cat! Build a happy and friendly environment in your home and do not ever neglect any family member, and of course by that we mean your cats as well!


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About me – Rebecca Welters

Yes, I am that weird cat lady with 200 cats and live in the darkest corner of the city where no one dares to go! Joking! But I am a cat lover and have 2 Taby cats called Toby, he’s 8 years old and Dory, she’s 3 years old.

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