The Risks of Using Ace as a Sedative For Fearful Dogs

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The Risks of Using Ace as a Sedative For Fearful Dogs

I am not against using sedatives for fearful dogs; especially with firework season coming up. While most dogs make progress with desensitization & counter conditioning, the addition of medication can help dogs with extreme anxiety.

The purpose of this article is to highlight some of the troubling findings associated with one specific drug in particular – Acepromazine – and how it can make your dogs anxiety worse.

Many Veterinarians Prescribe Sedatives for Anxious Dogs

Anyone that’s had a panic attack or dealt with severe anxiety knows how terrifying it is; and just like us our dogs can exhibit that same level of fear in certain situations. For dogs in particular anxiety is quite common during thunderstorms or fireworks.

Many of us will be dealing with fireworks in a few weeks; and some of us are going to be asking our veterinarian for advice on medications to ease our dogs anxiety. The tranquilizer Acepromazine (Ace) is prescribed to many dogs on the 4th of July as a sedative despite it’s increasingly bad reputation.

Fear of fireworks and thunderstorms can ruin a pet’s summer, but sometimes our best efforts to help our pets feel better have the opposite effect. One of the worst offenders is the drug acepromazine, known as Ace. – Dr. Marty Becker, Don’t Ace the Fear: Why Acepromazine May Make Your Dog’s Fireworks Fears Worse

There’s been evidence that suggests Ace not only causes the fear to worsen, but that it can also cause a wide range of serious side effects. For Brachycephalic (short nosed) breeds the potential risk is especially high. In Boxers it’s been shown to cause a problem called first degree heart block, a potentially serious arrhythmia of the heart.

As well as causing sedation, the drug has an impact on the controls for blood pressure, breathing, and body temperature, with potentially serious consequences for dogs with underlying health problems. – Barbra Denempont, Acepromazine: The Sedative That is Not Safe For Your Boxer

The Problem With Using Ace as a Sedative for Fearful Dogs

Acepromazine (also known as Ace, PromAce or Aceproject) has been around for decades. It’s used to prepare dogs for surgery, surpress nausea, and calm anxious dogs. Ace was the most popular tranquilizer prescribed to help anxious dogs for a long time, though it’s popularity has been declining recently.

Ace works by blocking the receptors in the central nervous system; and the effects generally last between 6 – 8 hours. During that time many dogs have problems with their coordination; just walking around can be troublesome.

Your dog will appear sedated but his mind will be fully alert and functioning. Using Ace on a dog with extreme anxiety can make the phobia worse. Your dog will remain anxious and fearful, yet not have the ability to do anything about it because of the sedative effect.

The use of Ace has been found to make dog anxiety worse in the long term by adding even more stressful associations to the original phobia.

It’s also believed that acepromazine, used freely for noise phobia, may actually heighten pets’ sensitivity to noise. For this reason, one of my local behaviorists is especially opposed to its use during storm or fireworks season. – Dr. Patty Khuly, Why I’m Not a Big Fan When It Comes to Sedation via ‘Ace’

Sedatives themselves are no longer considered a good treatment option for dogs with anxiety due to their unreliability. To get the desired effect high doses are often used which can lead to many health risks.

High doses of sedatives can cause systemic effects such as hyvolemia (increased blood-fluid volume), hyperexcitability and extrapyrimidal side effects such as akinesia (an inability to move) or akathisia (an inability to remain still). Because of all the associated problems with sedative drug use, they are no longer recommended for use in treatment of phobias or anxiety (Neilson JC, 2002; Casey R, 2002). VetSci, Dealing With Canine Anxiety & Phobias

Here’s Dr. Karen Overall explaining the problem with using Ace for fearful dogs.

There are Numerous Medications Available for Fearful Dogs

Ace is far from the only medication available for anxiety. Today Benzodiazepines ( Benzos ) are the most commonly prescribed medications for sudden fear or panic. There are many that you probably already recognize – Xanax, Valium, Ativan, and Klonopin. But there’s also other classes of anxiety medications such as Tricyclic antidepressants, Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, SSRIs, and Buspirone.

Don’t be afraid to ask you veterinarian about all the different classes of anxiety medications that are available; every dogs anxiety is a little bit different and they should be able to help you come up with a plan that’s right for your dog.

Remember to ask about the potential side effects, how long the medication lasts, how long it takes to work, and whether or not the drug will decrease the anxiety itself. You have many options available; if your veterinarian suggests Ace don’t be afraid to voice your concerns and ask about alternatives.

It is unfortunate that acepromazine continues to be used and prescribed for fearful and anxious dogs. If your dog is being treated with this medication for his fears and phobias, please talk with your veterinarian about a more effective alternative. – Lorie Huston DVM, Is Acepromazine a Good Medication For Anxiety?

Using management techniques such as desensitization and counter conditioning in conjunction with anxiety medication for dogs with noise phobias has been found quite effective. Finding the calming techniques that work for your dog can make a big difference.

Tips For Managing Noise Phobias Without Medication

Here are some helpful articles with some great pointers on helping your dog cope with his fears during storms or fireworks.

  • How to Keep Your Dog Happy When Fireworks Go Off – Using Science!
  • It’s OK to Comfort Your Dog
  • What Kinds of Dogs Are Troubled by Fireworks, & What to do About It
  • 10 Safety & Calming Tips For Dogs During Fireworks
  • Coping With Fear of Fireworks

If you know anyone that uses sedatives for their fearful dog please pass this information along. The risk of using Ace is not worth it; rather than alleviating fear it’s known for making it worse.

I am not a veterinarian; this article is intended to provide you with information and questions to bring up with your veterinarian if you’re considering anxiety medication for your dog.

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