Game of Thrones Cat Names | Pawsome Kitty

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Game of Thrones Cat Names

Did you know Game of Thrones was the most stream TV series of 2016? That’s a interesting fact to tell your friends, but for now, let’s talk about cats!

Let the Game of Names commence! Here are Game of Thrones cat names you can give your cat!


  • Countdown of top 50 GoT Names
      • Round Up 

Countdown of top 50 GoT Names

1. Stark
A noble name for a noble looking cat!

2. Ned
Fit for cats that act like a king, and yet gentle and kind!

3. Catelyn
Ah, gentle yet protective mother. If you touch her kittens, you’re gonna have to go through her

4. Robb
The King in the North! A name fit for smart cats who sure know what they’re doing

5. Bran
The Raven, as they call him lately, Bran fits cats that are dark in color

6. Arya
The playful one! And yet really stealthy. This is for sneaky, mischievous, smallest cat breeds not to be messed with!

7. Sansa
For a cat who truly knows how to carry herself. Shy and dainty cat, sweet yet bold.

8. Jon Snow
The so-called bastard of Ned Stark. But that didn’t stop him from bringing home countless victories. Brave and courageous cats deserve to be Jon’s namesake

9. Theon
The heir to the Greyjoy name. Theon’s name has a nice sound in it, don’t you think?

10. Daenerys
Is she your queen? Naming your cat after your queen would show where your true loyalties lie.

11. Aemon
Not a lot know that he is also of the Targaryen blood. A great name for cats!

12. Margaery
Margaery sure is one of the fan favorites in this series. This name fits charming and alluring cats!

13. Renly
Ah yes, one of the competitors for the Iron Throne. Would you name your cat after Renly?

14. Petyr
A character that most fans have a love-hate relationship with. A nice name to give a cat!

15. Rhaegar/Rhaegal
Another Targaryen on this list! Would you dare name your cat after this controversial character?

16. Missandei
She was a slave before Daenerys set her free from her master. A good name for a lovely stray or rescue cat perhaps?

17. Drogon
The name of one of Daenerys dragon children, this is a good namesake for fierce yet loving cats

18. Jaqen
Who could ever forget this character’s many faces? A cool name for cats really!

19. Khaleesi/Khal
This is the title given to the leaders of the Dothraki horde. Fit for soon to be kings and queens of your cat pack.

20. Valonqar
Games of Thrones legend says the Valonqar will play an important role in the fight for the Iron Throne. Interesting name too!

21. Winterfell
The kingdom in the North! Perfect for snowy, white cats!

22. Lannister
The lion. A cat with a golden (or orangey) mane and fur will surely fit the name

23. Cersei
The queen mother, Cersei is one tough woman. A name for cats not to be messed with.

24. Jaime
The twin brother of Cersei. If you’ve got two almost identical cats, Cersei and Jaime would be an awesome name!

25. Bronn
A deadly assassin. Perhaps a fitting name to a stealthy cat!

26. Tyrion
A crowd favorite. He may be small, but he’s got brains definitely bigger than his height.

27. Tywin
Father to the Lannister children. A difficult opponent. Tywin sounds really nice on a cat.

28. Myrcella
Sweet, sweet Myrcella. A sweet name for the most affectionate cats!

29. Jeoffrey
A lunatic king if you ask me. But I hope your cat won’t follow after him once you name it Jeoffrey

30. Tommen
Another king of Westeros. Too young and naïve to be king. A cool name for a cat!

31. Stannis
Stannis fought to the last breath. What do you think about naming your cat after him?

32. Baelish
Lord Baelish, as many refer to him. He made a name for its own. Maybe your cat will like this name.

33. Sandor
The vicious and temperamental warrior. An interesting name too!

34. Jorah
A loyal follower of Daenerys. Awesome name for loyal cats!

35. Lyanna
She may be a kid, but she’s the coolest. A young commander. Good name for cats!

36. Melisandre
A staunch believer of the Lord of Light. A nice sounding name for cats!

37. Brienne
A loyal fighter and protector, protective cats could share names with Brienne

38. Greyworm
A grey-t name for grey cats!

39. Viserys/Viserion
Daenerys brother, Targaryen names really sound so regal.

40. Valyria
The land where the Targaryens lived. Perhaps it will suit cats well!

41. Ygritte
A fierce wildling that captured Jon’s heart. A name really suitable for cats

42. Gilly
Samwell Tarly’s love interest, she survived long enough in the game, would you name your cat after her?

43. Olenna
The cunning iron woman of House Tyrell. She is such a formidable force in the game.

44. Ramsay
Brute and fierce, this guy. Do you think it’s a good name for a cat?

45. Oberyn
Who doesn’t love Oberyn’s charming ways? A cat would be extra charming with his name.

46. Gendry
A legitimate contender for the throne, although no one knows he is. Gendry would be a good cat’s name!

47. Loras
Another Tyrell in this list to complete their house! Loras is also really charming, you might want to consider naming your cat after him.

48. Harpy
Well, not really a person, but a name referencing to a group opposing Daenerys rule. A cute name though!

49. Varys
Varys is a eunuch. His name sounds nice on a cat, isn’t it?

50. Hodor
Who wouldn’t love Hodor? Naming your cat after him is a great tribute!

Round Up 

Let’s see who wins this Game of Names! I hope you’ve taken your pick from these Game of Thrones cat names!



About me – Rebecca Welters

Yes, I am that weird cat lady with 200 cats and live in the darkest corner of the city where no one dares to go! Joking! But I am a cat lover and have 2 Taby cats called Toby, he’s 8 years old and Dory, she’s 3 years old.

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