The extraordinarily handsome Fox Terrier is certainly an eye catcher – their good looks have won the breed a place as a firm favourite show dog in recent years. Originally bred to hunt foxes, they’ve since found favour as a companionable pet. Fox Terriers haven’t lost their hunting blood, so they love to give chase to smaller animals like rabbits and birds which will keep owners on their toes. Mischievous through and through, Fox Terriers also like to wander off so need to be kept in sight – they aren’t always as friendly to other dogs as they are to you.


Fox Terriers are one of the oldest terrier breeds dating back to the 17th Century. A cross of Dachshund, English Hounds with Foxhounds and Beagles joining the gene pool later on, the Fox terrier has all the right ingredients to be a perfect hunting dog. Bred to find small animals and rid farms of vermin, they are also fantastic diggers – a straight they share with other hunting type terriers. The love for chasing smaller animals is still there in modern dogs but that won’t stop many people falling in love with their chirpy disposition.


Fox Terriers can be expected to live from 12 to 16 years.

Health issues in this breed can include deafness, sight issues such as cataracts, and hip problems.


Terrier-fically handsome

Whether of the Wire-Haired or Smooth variety, Fox Terriers are popular not just for their handsome looks but also for their adventurous, ‘devil-may-care’ nature. An enclosed garden is handy and you’ll need to keep a close eye to make sure they don’t dig holes everywhere.

Take the lead

Fox Terriers love running wild when given the chance so be sure to keep an eye on them to avoid potential trouble whether it’s with next door’s cat or another unsuspecting animal. They’re extremely playful which sometimes borders on boisterous aggressiveness and so aren’t usually suitable for younger children.

Medium maintainance

The Wire-Haired variety will need a weekly brushing to keep their thick textured coats looking fantastic.


Training the excitable Fox Terrier can take a bit longer than with other breeds, but with a strong personality and the right attitude you’ll have plenty of fun with your Fox Terrier.


Fox Terriers can be mischievous which makes Housebreaking more of a challenge at times but with firm directions they should soon behave.

Where to find Fox Terriers

Fox Terrier Groups

Dying to meet up with other owners of the dashing Fox Terrier? Find a breed group below.
The Fox Terrier Club
The Wire Fox Terrier Association
The Smooth Fox Terrier Association

Adopt a Fox Terrier

Want to provide a loving home and adopt a rescue Fox Terrier? Find a rescue centre below.
Fox Terrier Rescue
Terrier SOS
The Wire Fox Terrier Association – Welfare and Rehoming Scheme
Terrier Rescue


Fixed your heart on the terrific Fox Terrier? Find an approved Dogue de Bordeaux breeder below.
Kennel Club Assured Breeders

Do you own a Fox Terrier?


If you own a Fox Terrier let us know in the comments below and upload your picture to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram tagging @DogBuddyCo.