Does your cuteness dial go up to 11? Good! Because the Bichon Frise is picture-perfect. A tiny fluffy cloud of pure cuddliness whose temperament more than matches, this breed is famously affectionate and playful. This breed’s puff of fluff is created by a generous double coat combining both dense hair and light curly hair. Let’s take a look at some of the other characteristics.


Breed Group: Toy

Size: Small

Sheds?: Yes

Coat length: Medium

Exercise: Up to 30 minutes per day

Grooming required?: Every day


Don’t be fooled by the name – the Bichon Frise is thought to have roots in Tenerife, having descended from the Water Spaniel. It was popular in France and Spain during the French Renaissance and regained popularity in the UK and USA in the 20th century.


The Bichon lives on average for 12-15 years.

Health issues include hip and knee problems, liver disease, allergies and eye problems, all of which can be screened for.


The limelight-hogger

It’s almost as if the Bichon Frise knows how gorgeous it is. This bright and outgoing soul loves to be the centre of attention and thrives on human companionship. A family-friendly pet with never a dull moment.


Like all superstars, the Bichon needs a fair bit of TLC. Its coat requires regular combing, brushing and trimming to keep it looking fab.


It’s best to keep your dainty Bichon inside – apart from a spot of daily exercise, whether that’s in the garden or a quick twirl round the block on a leash.


The Bichon is an attentive and intelligent little dog who isn’t hard to train. As with all dogs of this size though, ‘Small Dog Syndrome’ and excessive barking is a risk if socialisation isn’t properly taken care of.


There’s a general consensus that the Bichon Frise is among the most difficult breeds to housebreak.

Where to find Bichon Frisés

Bichon Frise Groups

Fancy swapping stories and grooming tips with fellow Bichon Frise owners? Find a group below.

The Bichon Frisé Club of Great Britain
The Northern & Midland Bichon Frisé Club
The Bichon Frisé Club of Scotland

Adopt a Bichon Frisé

Want to adopt a Bichon Frisé in need of a loving home? Find a rescue centre below.

Bichon Frisé Rescue
The Kennel Club Find A Rescue Dog


Can’t resist the Bichon Frisé’s all-round fabulousness? Take a look at these Kennel Club Assured Breeders.

Do you own a Bichon Frisé?



If you own a Bichon let us know in the comments below and upload your picture to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram tagging @DogBuddyCo.